I am a grandmother again. Well not to the human kind of grand children. The chicken kind of grand egg kind. I guess that is what you call them when they come form chickens that I raised form one day old little baby chicks to these giant hens that are now laying eggs.
These were therapeutic baby chicks that I purchase as the request of my real Grand daughter, McKinzee in May, 2009. Knowing that she would not actually be there to help me I still purchased 6 baby chicks. I was getting over SHINGLES, that is a whole other blog. and I needed something to get my mind off the pain.
But now they are a year old and I have made a quilt called "There is Always One in Every Bunch" . So true in life as it is in chickens.
I fussed and babied them to the point that one of my neighbors asked me if I had made them a quilt yet. NO I have not. Our dog, BarBee, has one. Our cat, Muffin, has one. So why do the chickens not have one? Well winter is not here yet so never say never.
Any way we converted the pony stall into a chicken coop, enclosed a chicken run, put chicken wire over the top and now they are happy and I can sit and watch their funny ways all I want. They are hysterical and amusing and very therapeutic to have. They are MY chicks not my husbands. He does not claim them and will have nothing to do with them. So he says. But he did help build their coop, run and roof. And he does eat the eggs.
Yes we have eggs finally. After 20 weeks and $250.00 worth of chicken feed, structural improvements and hay we have our first egg last Sunday. We have had a total of 7 eggs in 9 days. Not bad for the first week.
The above photos show the 5 chicks, one died, and our dog BarBee. BarBee could also be called a grand mother as she has protected the chicks and from opossum, squires and night and day varmints.
The original chicks are three years old now. Some have died and been replaced so I still have 5 chickens. BarBee is still garding them. She has help with her new friend Chey a 5 year old beagle. Chey would rather eat the bread than guard the chickens. But all are getting along well. We have fresh eggs almost every day.