Friday, June 7, 2013

Sea Life 18 X 20 At Waverly House

This is called Sea lift because if you look closely you will see shells and the sand and ocean waves.
This work was accepted into the juried show starting today June 7, 2013 at Waverly.   It is part of my "Captured " series.  

Friday, May 10, 2013

New Galaxy At Waverly June 7 , 2013

This is a preview of my work effective June 7, 2013.  It was juried into a show called
 " Inner Spaces, Outer Limits"
This is  hand dyed, whole cloth, 100% cotton.  Look closely, it has glass beads exploding from the molten inter core.

Hope you can make it to Waverly House for the Artist Reception held June 7, 2013 from 5 to 7:30 PM.
If you do please come and say "hello" to me.  

This is New Galaxy at tonight's show at Waverly.   Very nice presentation.  Very nice show.  
Thank you Eunice Waller.   

Monday, April 29, 2013

Winter's Bonfiree

When the snow is falling outside there is nothing like a bonfire to warm  up.
This is two pieces of art in one.   The under layer is flat, abstract art quilt.  the upper layer is  3 dimensional .  Their are silk, cotton and polyester pieces tied to the white cotton terry strips.

This can be viewed in person at Waverly House, Springfield, Mo.

"Captured" a series

The following 4 abstract pieces are part of a series called "Captured".    I have attempted to capture objects onto the fabric.   I used black net or  to hold them in place exactly where I wanted them.   Then I sewed around the objects and over the net.  
I am through with this series for now.   But I had such fun with them I am sure I will return to this method in the future.   All of these pieces can be seen at Waverly House, in Springfield, Mo.

Coral Reef "Captured"

Have you ever been to a tropical island?   The water is warm the sand is littered with shells.   The reefs are alive with growing coral.  The beautiful  coral  is transformed into jewelry for the fish.
This is cotton fabric quilted to resemble the foamy tide and the coral reef.   The shells are "Captured" under net.   

Sea Life "Captured"

The sand and the ocean waves can wash amazing things to the shore.  Just walking along the shore you will wash your feet in the foamy waves lapping the shore.   You may sink your feet into the sand.   You may dig up shells hidden there for you to find.  This is cotton and wool fibers on cotton fabric.   The shells are "captured" under net.   

Canyon Walls "Captured"

The walls of a canyon capture rocks, trees and various plant life.   In the summer the heat warms the walls and encourages the seeds to sprout.  As the plants grow they split the rocks and they tumble down.   I have used cotton, and wool yarn and cotton fabric.   The rocks are "captured" under net to hold them in place.  

Winter's Memory "Captured"

This winter Missouri had a cold 5 months.   Winter is drab and the colors are monotone grey.   The trees are sleeping and the earth is covered with snow and ice.  The grass is dead and the flowers are gone.    I  was trying  to reproduce what this looks like in this series I call "Captured".    The rocks are captured under net and heled against the grey earth.    

Ten Moons of Persia (sorry I'm sold)

The Ten Moons of Persia is a mix if exotic fabric and beads blended to remind me of a beautiful Persian rug.   I especially love the Persian blue color.  This is the only photo I have to remind me of this piece.   It sold the first day it was displayed at Waverly.